My Birthday…

It’s my birthday in less than a month! (Click here for to sign my birthday card or see my wishlist.)

I’ve never had good luck with birthday parties. It’s the curse of being born in the middle of July. Just about everyone goes on vacation when I want to have a party. I think we only tried to have a party for me a couple times when I was little. Both times, I’m pretty sure only 2 kids showed up. The only party I’ve had As an adult was 8 years ago. That one actually had a good turnout. A miracle, I’m sure. I must be a glutton for punishment, because I decided to try again.

I sent out my invitation yesterday (If I missed you, it’s because I don’t know your email address – send me a note!) I’m not expecting many yeses. But, if a few of the people I care about show up, then it will be worth it.

Because I missed out on so many parties growing up (and because I’m a dork), the party theme is going to be puppies and balloons and girly colors. I plan to set up my Twister game and a craft table. I want to make a bunch of cupcakes in different flavors. I’m even turning my laptop into a “photo booth” because the wedding one was so much fun!

Here are some questions for you…

  • Back in 2000 I got a Blues Clues paper table cloth that was a giant coloring book page. I want to order something like that but I can’t figure out what search terms to use. Help! (1, 2) I suppose I could always try to find a big plain paper table cloth and use a sharpie or 5 to make my own coloring sheet…
  • So, I have free software to run my photo booth (though not Mac’s “Photo Booth” – I couldn’t get that to print right on a 4″x6″ and it has big-time bugs that force you to restart it constantly.) The Software is really ugly, but works well. I just need to decide if it’s worth it to try to “build” an actual booth for it. I’d probably only table a bunch of cardboard together and decorate it. Should I bother? The alternative is to hang a backdrop on the wall and just have the laptop facing it.
  • I want lots of balloons and can get them cheap online where I’m ordering plates and stuff, but how do you get the helium to fill them with? I don’t want to rent a giant helium tank that I can’t even lift. Is it easier to just buy filled balloons at the party store that day? It is pain because you can’t fit many in a car and the strings all tangle together. I thought you could buy a small tank of helium, but if you can, what do you do with it once it’s empty?

That is all for now. I need to get back to work, and I should probably eat something today.

7 thoughts on “My Birthday…

  1. I am so sorry we’re going to miss it. We already committed to one in Boston a few months earlier.

    Maybe next year?

  2. they have little helium tanks that you can buy.. they are the same size as the tanks for gas grills.. but I honestly don’t know what you’d do with it once it’s empty…. maybe it’s recyclable?

  3. in the (very small) town I used to live in, you could have a helium tank delivered and afterwards they’d come pick it up. Check with your local florists and party supply places and see if they have any sources that will do that πŸ™‚ You’ll probably have to pay a delivery/pick up fee, but it would be a whole lot easier than trying to transport all those balloons… (not to mention safer!! Tons of balloons in a car = not fun!)

  4. Places that sell/deliver oxygen/helium tanks, such as robert’s oxygen, will let you put a deposit for a small helium tank and then you’ll your money back once you bring that thing back to them. I think you can also have it delivered but then again you’d be paying for the delivery/pick up. I think there is one of those around my house, would you like me to find out for you?
    PS: I have some mighty potent and abundant gas if you cant get the helium πŸ™‚

  5. My birthday is shortly after Christmas and New Year’s, so everybody is already partied out and it seems like a complete afterthought. I’ve often wished it fell in the middle of the year, but I never considered the conflicts with summer vacations! πŸ™‚

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