Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was my birthday. Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes – you made my day special!

I worked as usual today, though from home due to office construction. Danny let me pick where to eat dinner tonight, and I chose Cheesecake Factory. I got a smoothie and a delicious grilled cheese. I got cake to-go that is down in the fridge right now.

I got 3 birthday cards that made me smile. One from my grandparents(-in-law), from my aunt and from Danny’s brother and his wife. My daddy called me in the evening and my brother sent birthday wishes via IM. I got a present -Danny’s grandparents sent me a check. They are so kind!

I am pooped and am going to read in bed for a while. I am re-reading The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber.

Thank you all again!

0 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Me!

  1. Oh MAN…. I got up this morning after a 26 hour repair marathon, and said, stupid me forgot you… Sorry.
    Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! The water is very calm and i wish you could walk beside it, it is very pretty, and the wildflowers are quite fine too. I guess that’s my ‘present’ to you. Hope you don’t feel a BIT older.
    Magic in Me.

  2. how comes you always look the same gorgeous girl no matter how much time passes? Are you still posting pictures from years ago? confess!!

    (happy birthday, stephanie!!!)

  3. Happy Birthday ( altho late !) I’ve been way out of town as usual…. Hope it was great ! Jon

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