Vlog 002 :: I Think We’re Alone Now

If you thought I was a dork after the last video… Yeah. Heh. Any video requests (of a non-sexual type)?

Today was a work from home day. I needed it. Yesterday was super crazy in d0ggy daycare land, and I had a lot to get done today.

Benny woke me up right after I got to sleep last night at 1 am. He was crying and whining like he does when he has to go have diarrhea. The little bastard just wanted to run around outside. We came back in then he proceeded to make as much noise as possible for about an hour before finally giving us some peace. He is definitely in his “teenage years”. He’ll be 10 months old mid-month. On the 13th, China will turn 7. Our sweet bratty old lady.

Benny napped all morning sue to his late night, but by evening he was driving us all crazy with how hyper he was. He isn’t allowed in the backyard right now since it was just seeded, so I took him for a run. It was my longest so far (not far at all, but great for me). I’m getting better at breathing, but I think it is just something you need to condition your lungs for. The temperature is heading back up into the 90’s though, so it will be too hot again. Are we ever going to have autumn?? I bet we’ll skip right to winter… As usual.

I think I’m going to finish my coffee and go watch tv in bed! So there!

0 thoughts on “Vlog 002 :: I Think We’re Alone Now

  1. Well that was absurd.

    How is it 80’s day? Where was that information posted? Maybe if I’d known I wouldn’t have listened to Regina Spektor and Dragonforce all day.

    I will make up for it by listening to Just Can’t Get Enough about 20 times now I guess. But I won’t dance. Nor will I sing into these pinking shears.

  2. Hillarious!.. :D…

    … I like especially the special effects work of the title. It realy cracked me up as you put that paper onto your forhead the first time. XD

    You must definately make Vlog posts on a regular basis. ^_^

  3. Sweeeeeeeeet. We so would’ve hung out back in the day. We could’ve lip synched & danced in a talent show. HAHAHA (Which I actually did. Me & a bunch of girls lip synched & danced to a Madonna song. Complete with lace gloves)

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