Top and Pants, originally uploaded by punquin.
Despite fence painting most of the day, I managed to finish the bulk of my Halloween costume tonight! I still need to design/sew the thing that will wrap around my ponytail. I have to find or make some jewelry that matches (including a tikka). I have to get nude-colored undies for underneath the pants. My genie lamp is on order.
Now I just have to work on Danny’s costume! I am hoping for minimal sewing on his. I need to go thrift store shopping…
Are you going to do anything different with your hair? I think that would complete the constume, but it might be too much trouble.
No, just a ponytail on the top of my head. But the braids will remain. I’m not spending 15 hours taking them out and putting them back just for Halloween.
The topknot might be more than enough to paint the effect. You’re certainly right that unbraiding would be a wasted effort.
I don’t know if you’ve got a scrap of that more transparent material, but I’m also wondering about a half veil. That could be pretty hot. Maybe with some sort of heavy eye make-up? Hm.
Looking forward to seeing the final shots with everything in place.
I’m definitely going to play with makeup, and my hair will be very “I Dream of Jeannie”. I do have some leftover sparkle organza that I am going to play around with, but it is stiffer than normal veil material (so the pants would hold their shape). I may do a veil attached to my headpiece that I can wear either to the front or back.
This looks great! I can’t believe how fast you finished it. It would have taken me a few months to get something like this done 🙂
good costume, and u looking very well with it 🙂
The costume looks great! I am actually planning on hitting up the thrift stores when I get back home as well. Of course I have to find some good locations first. If you want we can try to go to some together? That is if you haven’t already gone by the time I am back home.
Sure! When do you get home?
I don’t have my nav system this month since it’s getting fixed, and I’ve never thrift-hopped in VA before, so it will be interesting trying to find stores…
I get back on the 12th.
I haven’t tried to go thrift store shopping in VA before so it should definitely be interesting. I will try asking around and see if anyone knows of any good places in the area. Maybe we can hit the thrift stores while the boys watch football;>?
That sounds good to me! I bet there are a lot more thrift stores out by you anyway. We live in an area that is too suburban and new.
And I suggested our plan to the boi over the phone and he agreed;> I also posted about thrift stores and folks have already replied with a few;> Is there a Sunday that works for you two?
This coming Sunday works, beyond that, I have to check with Dan. I know we have a music festival coming up the weekend after, but I don’t know what day.
Ok. I need to check with the boi and see what our schedule looks like this weekend. I will get back you;>
that looks amazing. what a brilliant job you did.
how i wish i could so.
Fabulous! So much cuter than store-bought costumes!
awesome costume!
I give it 2 big thumbs up!
I love it!!!
Absolute gorgeous!.. ^_^ …
… Hey, you could make a Vlog post, wearing that costume, around halloween. 🙂
That is just awesome, beautiful, NICE WORK!