Purple Rain Costume

So, I can’t remember how the idea cam up, but a while ago I told Danny that I would sew him a “Purple Rain” era Prince costume for Halloween. My schedule got so crazy for a while that it didn’t look like it was going to happen. Yesterday I decided I was going to make it work.

Yesterday evening I went to the fabric store and bought a costume suit jacket pattern, purple suede-like fabric (I wanted something with more structure than cheap velvet – the nice velvet was $20/yard), interfacing, purple silky fabric (for a neck scarf), silver buttons, and leopard-print ribbon (guitar strap).

After dinner, I measured Danny and started cutting out the pattern. I sure hope it fits! He was at the top end of one size, but there was a pretty big jump up to the next size. If it is too small, I’ll need a new pattern and more fabric so I can start all over.

I stayed up too late sewing, but I really wanted to get the top third of the jacket completed (minus sleeves). The whole collar/lapel/sholder lining area was tough! My seam-ripper was my best friend. I finally got the collar sewn in without any seam puckering, and I pinning the lapels and chalked in the shape I wanted for them before heading to bed. This morning I spent 15 minutes sewing the lapels and pressing everything. I think It looks great so far. I am just really nervous about the size…

Yesterday I won 100 pyramid studs on eBay. When they arrive, I will cover the right shoulder with them. The buttons I chose look like something Prince would have picked – if Prince had to shop at Joann’s.

I am letting Danny chose what kind of prop guitar to get. I sent him links to three kinds – inflatable, a life-like rubber one I could custom-paint and a realistic kids’ guitar that plays riffs at the push of a button.

I need to order a jheri curl wig and a ruffle shirt today. With the pirate craze, it is easy to find fru-fru shirts. Heis just going to have to wear a pair of his own black pants. The coat is all I’ll have time for.

17 thoughts on “Purple Rain Costume

  1. Ironically I was working on my fiance’s costume last night. I’m almost done with the pleats on his Spiderman kilt. Last night I started work on his Spiderman sporran. He’s going to wear a Spiderman baseball jersey and be “Spiderman!” (said enthusiastically with a Scottish accent). Otherwise he was going to make a Spiderman yarmulke (tho he’s not Jewish) and go as “Ira Spiderman” pronounced (“Spee-der-man”).

  2. Go by a pawn shop for the guitar. I see some for like $20. You can then spray paint it whatever color. Grated they aren’t good guitars but… I don’t htink dan plays anyways.

  3. Awsome costume idea,..

    … but you should make sure that Danny let grow and trim the same thin whisker, Prince wore at that time. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Heh, if you wouldn’t already re-use the mermaid, I would be realy a good match if you would wear a “Sheila E.” costume. ^_^

  4. purple rain costume

    Hi, I posted a comment on flickr but thought I’d try this to. I don’t have any sewing skills and I’m wondering if you might be willing to rent your purple rain costume for an event fundriaser performance that I’m working on? Please e-mail back a response either way.

    Thank you!!

    Rebecca @ [email protected]

  5. Hmmm,,,can I have one???

    If I send you my measurements,,,will you make me the same costume??? LOL

    I sing Purple Rain at Karaoke alot by request and would LOVE to come out wearing this!!! Excellent Job!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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