stephanie is: groggy groggy…
we slept for shit this morning. i got maybe 3 hours of sleep and i don’t think danny did much better. i’m sure we won’t be able to stay up much longer so we may just give in. that will let us run errands in the afternoon. danny will probably need a nap before he goes to work at 10pm though.

i scheduled a cam show for tomorrow night, so i may need that nap too, heh. still struggling to get through all the site work i have. i think i will writing out a schedule for myself for chores and work so i can get more done. my body and mind are so damn confused right now i am struggling to function.

tonight danny treated me to dinner and a movie. it was just olive garden (with a coupon) and the $3.50 second-run theater, but i enjoyed it. we saw ‘old school’. hehe.

i am sooo tired that i am not going to attempt any of my site work tonight. it hink i will just go get in bed with my crochet and watch tv till i have to give in to sleep.

(add your thoughts)