8 Months!

31 weeks!, originally uploaded by punquin.

So I’ve somehow made it to 8 months/32 weeks! Wow!

I’ve been feeling good. Gaining a good amount of weight for my small size, blood pressure on the low side of average, doing yoga as often as work and weather allow.

I had my appointment today. Baby’s heart beat sounded great, but I talked to the doctor about the fact that he has been laying transverse (sideways instead of head down) for about 4 months. He really, really likes it in that position. She told me that while he has time to move on his own, sometimes they don’t. She would be willing to try to turn him at 37 weeks, but Danny and I didn’t like the sound of it. I would have to have an epidural, then they would manually try to turn him. If he doesn’t tolerate it (i.e. – his heart rate starts dropping) they would do an emergency c-section right then and there. I am really hoping to have the opportunity to have a natural labor. Having such a scary-sounding procedure that may lead to a c-section and may lead to him turning back to transverse anyway just didn’t sound good to us. We agreed that we would just let nature take it’s course and mentally prepare for the possibility of a c-section when the time comes if he hasn’t turned.

The doctor told us we could try icing baby’s head to get him to turn. She did a quick ultrasound scan to confirm which side his head is on (my left). So I will have to start trying that. He won’t be happy about it, I bet! He even hates my cold hands…

Beyond that, everything looks great and I’ll be back in 2 weeks. It was really hard to get an appointment scheduled, so I had to do it on one of my office days. I’ll have to switch things around with work.

Baby is currently beating the heck our of my ribs. I think he is trying to climb them. Time for dinner!

0 thoughts on “8 Months!

  1. WOW!!!
    Sounds like you’re doing great too.
    Best wishes and Merry Christmas to your Family and Pets !!!

  2. My daughter was breech pretty much the whole time I was pregnant, up until the week I was to deliver, What I ended up trying was sleeping on the OPPOSITE side that I always used to sleep on (I like to lay on my left) and as uncomfortable that was for me to make myself switch like that, baby didn’t like it at all and turned herself around that week Yippee! She turned only a few days before she was born.

  3. So happy for you. Been on this site for so long. So cool to see you start your family. Have a merry Christmas.

  4. Hi Stephanie,
    Just wanted to let you know my first son was also transverse for the whole pregnancy until just a few days before his birth. I didn’t realize that he was flipping over until I told my OB Gyn at my last appointment that I was concerned about this and she did an ultrasound and to my surprise what I thought was still his head in my ribs was actually now is bum. I had had a night a few days before where he was moving so much it had me worried and I could not sleep much that night because he was so active. My husband was actually talking to him trying to “calm him down”. We had just figured he was protesting at the lack of room. In hind sight we realized that he was moving to be head down. Try not to focus on it too much and let nature and your baby do its thing. Such exciting time ahead of you.
    Take care,

  5. Hi!
    I’ve been reading your blog for years and then hadn’t been on for awhile & today I had a feeling if I checked it, you would be expecting & you are! I’m a mama of 5 boys who never thought I’d have boys, yes, you are in for an adventure 🙂
    Good luck & it sounds like you have a great attitude about birth. I recommend mothering.com for less mainstream birth & parenting info.

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