Why was I so quiet…

…for the past 4 months? We’re expecting! I know it is the norm for people to share the news at 12 weeks/3 months, but I just wasn’t quite ready. Growing a baby is rather nerve-wracking business! I’m no good at keeping my own secrets (others’ secrets? They’ll never drag it out of me!) I guess because I have shared so much of my life for so long. It was easier for me to just hide out until I was ready.

The belly is always bigger at night...

Things are going well, but it is still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there is someone living inside of me. Kind of trippy. With each new milestone, it gets more real. We’ve heard the heartbeat twice now. Amazing! And seeing the baby dancing around at 12 weeks on the ultrasound screen was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Can they just install a window in my belly? I’m starting to show, and so it was time to come out of hiding. That has made it quite real. I am excited for my belly to grow – I think pregnancy bellies are adorable. I’m trying not to get too worked up about the big ultrasound at the end of the month because then it will just be too hard to wait!

Clothing is starting to be a problem. I’ve grown boobs, plus my mini belly, and so my shirts are getting too short. I often just leave my jeans undone or held closed with a rubber band. I am still a couple weeks from being able to fit in maternity stuff, but I have my eye on some cute tops and sweaters. I’m a tiny gal, so hopefully I can buy some non-maternity stretchy tunics or short dresses to wear as tops.

I am definitely at the stage where I can see myself growing every day. Fun times!

14 thoughts on “Why was I so quiet…

  1. I am so excited for you guys!!! Congratulations are in order … just had a little boy 18 days ago if you want to check out her journal … lots of pics … lol

  2. Biggest congratulations…I noticed today that your “Today’s Outfit” feature is showing a profile! I guess that’ll be the norm from now on.

  3. OMGOMGOMG! CONGRATULATIONS! I have read every post you’ve ever written since about forever ago and actually squealed when I saw the post pic of your belly – we’re so used to seeing your tiny tummy that it was clear what the post was about before I even read it. So thrilled for you and Danny!

  4. I’ve been snooping on you guys for a long time and I think it’s great you’re now adding to the family! You look so cute and I know you’ll both be wonderful parents.

  5. thrilled for you two!! you are going to be such a great mommy. i have been reading your journal for years and you seem to be such a loving friend and mom to your pets. hope everything goes smoothly and i wish you and D the best

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