
Well, hello, LiveJournal!

As I see I have many more “friend of’s” than “friends” listed on here, I thought it would be nice to try to meet some of you. I tend to not notice who has friended me, and only find new friends via comments in my journal. I have never posted “friends-only”, so the reciprocal friending is pointless.

I haven’t changed my friends in eons, so when I went to the management page I was really overwhelmed. I have no idea who most of the names belong to. I will try to go through and see if I recognize anyone, but many I’ve checked haven’t updated their journals in years.

Please take a moment to introduce yourself if you’d like. I make no promises that I will get around to actually managing my friend list, but it would be helpful to actually “meet” some of you!

0 thoughts on “Hello?

  1. Anthony here. Just a guy from LJ, not sure when I added you and not being a prolific commenter you probably haven’t heard a lot from me, thats NOT to say I dont read your posts on my friends page… hello!

  2. Hello, I’m Nick (some folks know me as Uther). I’m the guy in the userpic.

    We, if not met, encountered each other at Chiaroscuro on halloween some years ago, but I don’t know that we’ve ever actually spoke in person.

    I enjoy screenprinting, 2D fighting games and episodic television.

    It’s nice to [re]meet you!

    • Yes, I think I added you cause I saw you there and then recognized you on LJ through Kelowna, perhaps? I miss having someplace to go stomp/dance angrily!

  3. Hello! I’m Shana, I’m 30, married for 7 years and we have a “chug” a chihuahua pug mix who we’ve had as long as we have lived together..so our little man Enrique is 11 years old. I have subscribed in the past to stvlive.com and think you were one of my first adds on livejournal right after back when I made this journal in Sept 2000. I like to go out dancing and treasure spending time with my friends & family. I work as an administrator in Human Resources at a large utility company in Florida. Hmmm, anything else you want to know?

  4. Please allow me to introduce myself … I am a man of wealth and taste … start of a song I think

    Actulally, I am an old dog that has been around forever and one that you introduced to LJ from STV back in 2000.

    Was on Cape Cod then; moved to Houston; moved to Baltimore and will soon again be back on Cape Cod.

  5. Actually this is perfect of you to do so! My name is Allison and I’ve probably added you about 4-5+ years ago (I know I was still in high school…). You have had this policy that you wouldn’t add anyone unless they commented but I never wanted to commented because I know I would be freaked out if someone just commented randomly “oh, that sucks! hope things look better!” etc., blah blah along those lines without actually talking to me beforehand. That is why I have never commented or anything of the like.

    However, I really do enjoy reading your entries. I’ll probably start commenting from now on, however adding me back is not really necessary. I do not really update anything of importance or interest to anyone else so I won’t be offended. Thanks! 🙂

    • Hi, Allison!

      Don’t be afraid to comment! Though, I don’t tend to do it much – mostly when I have a question. I’m trying to get better about that!

      I’m glad you found your kitty! You are both super cute…

  6. Uh, hello…

    My clark kent persona is that of a mild mannered High School web teacher but by night… I am a superhero weilding powertools capable of messing up any project started. Be wary… very very wary of my superpowers!

    • Hi!

      Yeah, I haven’t been to any clubs recently. My friend and I want to go dancing soon… I guess we need to figure out a good place to go!

      I have a picture I think you gave me on my desk right now – a double exposure of me dancing.

  7. I’m Kim and I live in Oregon with my husband and son.
    I found your stvlive site through the jennicam site and then discovered LJ from reading your posts. So thank you for introducing me to the lovely land of LJ.

    • Hi, Kim! Oregon sounds like a pretty place to live. Is it cold? I’m not a fan of cold.

      I do remember Brad Fitz telling me that LJ memberships took a big jump when Ana and I joined…

      • It is very pretty here. Where I live it is usually not too cold, but it rains a lot. The spring and summer are very nice here though and are not too hot.
        That is funny that you made LJ more popular. I didn’t even know it existed before you posted about it.

  8. Hi Hi! I am Noelia. If i remember correctly i think i stumbled opon your journal via Jennicam. I am also a fellow Northern Virginian (Falls Church) and a dog lover. My 15 year old black lab just passed away a couple months ago. 🙁 Anyway, i love your journal. Feel free to add me back.

    • Hi, Noelia! Pretty name!

      I’m so sorry about your puppy. I have a huge soft spot for the old labs that board where I work. They are so sweet with soulful eyes…

  9. oh you had to ask-

    Wow- You have been a bookmark and internet ‘friend’ since you just about began. I’m a guy in Maine. Was boatbuilder, then Mason. Was sidelined in 05 after parents passed, and I had a triple bypass. Do computer work, am single, never married, though i have put my best foot forward. Live on the water, and sail when i can. Have Moogs, and love music of all kinds. Love my digicam, and the finest maine scenery. Always interested in people. And their pets.
    Happy end of November to you !

  10. Hi, I’m Melanie! I’ve actually been reading websites you’ve been creating for a long time — since one was called Stephanie’s Thotful Spot or something similar and I think ran a webring? It’s been kind of a long time and my memory is foggy. I still have a graphic you did of Classic Pooh bent over a laptop, somewhere!

    In any case, we were both in college at about the same time and I’ve always sort of peered in on your adventures you shared online in fits and starts because I think you’re interesting. When I discovered you had a LJ a few years ago, I friended it and have been reading since.

    As for me, I’m a Michigan native who lives in Connecticut now (after living in Illinois for a few years) with a husband and hopefully some cats soon. I work for a university in housing, running residence halls and working with college students. Beyond that, I’ve got a lot of random interests and silliness in my life and am finding it exceptionally difficult to introduce myself in a succinct way. : )

  11. Hi I’m Lindsay. Forgot how I found you 😛 I have had you listed as a friend for many years. I just don’t comment alot heh. I don’t even post alot lately, just read and snoop around livejournal all the time. Love reading about your animals and because I grew up with two golden retrievers and just miss them alot.

  12. My name’s mary, I’m a licensed veterinary technician in upstate ny. I’ve been on lj for 7 years and have been reading your journal almost as long. I like reading about your side of the animal world (because mine isn’t always as fun and happy) and seeing your awesome puppy pictures 🙂

    • Hi, Mary. I love your user icon. So sweet… I definitely having always had an easy time with our animal babies, but we are in a good place now. As crazy as Benny is as a golden “teenager”, he is so much fun!

  13. hihi! i’m lyndall. i’ve been reading your journal for a looong time, i’ve been visiting your site since before you had a lj (back in 1998-99 i think) and i remember starting a livejournal soon after you got yours- i think i was still in high school then!

    i never really comment much because i’m shy :3 but i thought i would introduce myself since you’ve asked so nicely. i don’t use lj much anymore, but i have a blog (http://orange-pekoe.beatsleep.com).

  14. Just another Stephanie here 🙂 I was a member of STV for a while back i the day. I think it was your use of LJ that got me to start my own journal.

  15. masons and Moogs

    Hi Back !
    As a mason, I did work with stone, as in walls, patios, and walking paths. I also built fireplaces and chimneys.
    As for Moogs, see ‘Moogmusic.com’ , A Moog is an analogue synthesiser, an instrument that can mimic many others, and create ‘organic’ sounds like surf, wind, whales, and such. The originals were monsters of technology that started a major shift in popular music in the 1970s. Such as Emerson,Lake, and Palmer. Also, “Switched on Bach”.

    Enjoy !

  16. Hi! My name is Ashlea and I’ve actually been following you, your website and journal since…oh…2001. Wow! I’m not a stalker or anything!!

  17. I have been hanging around you for a long, long time. I get to be a “friend of” too. So that makes me feel special, but I’m Heather, I’m getting married tomorrow, and I have two dogs Nikita & Duke. 🙂

  18. Hi,..

    … my name is Norbert. I friended you short before or after I became a member of STVLive, what was in the very early days of LiveJournal. 🙂

  19. /waves

    I think I’ve been a member of stv for at least several years, but I won the membership in a contest wherein one of your puppies pulled my name out of a hat or something like that.


    I added you oh so long ago during my time obsessing about “camgrrls” along with a few others who fell to the side along the way. I’ve come to adore reading your posts, even the sad ones, although I don’t respond as often as I probably should.

    So, yeah, hi!

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