New Fence!

New Fence, originally uploaded by punquin.

After a long process of getting signatures and HOA approval, we have a new fenced in backyard (and side yard)!! I left for work yesterday when two workers were putting in the first posts, and I returned to a finished fence! (I did work a long day…) The fence will be painted white, as the HOA requires, once it has cured. I will like it even more when it is white, though it is a whole lot of fence to paint!

The dogs LOVE the backyard! They are enjoying hanging out back there without leashes on. We will have to barbecue this weekend! Benny is a big wuss and is upset that Danny is outside making noises with his hammer and power-washer (for the porches).

I thought I’d have a nice day of working from home, since I worked doggy daycare Mon, Tuesday, (off Weds), and Thurs. But, no. I just got called in for the pm shift again. At least it is Friday.

By the PlanterChina in the Side YardSquintyMcSquintersonBenjamin at (almost) 7 Months

ExploringBackyardPeach TreeExploring

Zoom!Playing BallHe's So Long!!My Big Boy!

Benny’s New Fence

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