Man…, originally uploaded by punquin.
Benny just had an emergancy bath. China has been doing well with him – even letting him kiss the side of her mouth all day. But, right before bed she flipped out on him and attacked him for a second. Benny curled up in fetal position, peed himself, expressed his anal glands, and started screeching. I threw my paperback between them, but she had alfady stopped. While I held him to calm him and check for bites (just slobber, so she probably didn’t intend to do damage) China sniffed the spot that smelled like his pee and anals, and she POOPED on it! WTF!? After they sniffed and made up, China was sent to bed, Dan went to work, and I took Mr. Stink Bomb into the shower for a bath. What a night. Two steps forward, one step back, right?
=( Poor wittle fella. Had a rough night. As did you having to clean up after them!
I think the pooping on pee thing is a dominance thing. The wild dogs I saw in India did it, it was weird (and smelly)
I’m loving the Benny photos by the way!
Wow… you really can tell how much he’s grown in just the few weeks in this shot!
So fast…
My Mom’s doggy has a habit of crawling into her lap and “spraying” my Mom with her anal glands. Ewwwwww @ the smell. But it’s humorous to watch. :p
Cleaning up after animals is a hoot! We don’t have dogs yet, but have 2 cats. That’s enough for us for now š Benny sure is getting big…
omg! poor baby, sounds like my mokey ferret… she always peed herself when the others got too close for comfort.
NSU – 4efer, 5210 – rulez