
˙elp¡ ßomething happened to my keyboard. †here is something screwy with the shift key. ∑atch what happens if ˆtype in all caps… †˙´ œ¨ˆç˚ ∫®ø∑˜ ƒø≈ ∆¨µπ´∂ ø√´® †˙´ ¬åΩ¥ ∂ø©≥

†est÷ ˆjust tried to fix it… ˆgues it ∂ˆ∂˜æ† ∑ø®˚¡

Well, I’ve figured out that my control key thinks it is the shift.
The shift key thinks it is the option.
Option key thinks it is command.
And, the command key thinks it is control.

∑†ƒ÷÷ I mean, WTF??

4 thoughts on “what??

  1. I don’t know how it could’ve got changed, but you can set this up in your keyboard & mouse pref pane, under the “keyboard” tab there is a button for “modifier keys.”

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