stephanie is: working working.

i took a survery at (thanks bear) and here are my results:

gore – 74%
bush – 40%
nader – 38%

i will be leaving at 4pm to go meet up with danny at home then we are going to go vote. not that i actually get to vote for a president – just an electoral person. who elects the electors?

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  1. Each party elects its own electors for the Electoral College at its own party meetings. Then, depending on who wins your state, either the Democrats or Republicans send their electors to the Electoral College, which I think meets in December.

    48 of the states are winner-take-all with regard to electoral votes. Maine and Nebraska allow some sort of proportionality depending on the outcome (though not much).

    A friend of mine was a member of the Electoral College in 1996–he said it was very interesting, actually.

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