stephanie is: okay okay.

hi. i went to bed at 4am ish, but didn’t go to sleep till 6am cause we were watching armageddon. i had seen it before. woke up at around noon when danny pounced me. oof!

today was a shopping day. i got a second pair of glasses. i wanted a really cool librarian nerdy pair but i know i look awful in all glasses except this exact shape. so i just got a darker pair that goes all the way around the lens. my normal pair is half wireless. i also got a pair of pants and a green shirt. weee…

0 thoughts on “

  1. please update me

    my old journal at users/anavoog mysteriously stopped werking 🙁
    so i started a new one at users/ana

    in case u want 2 delete the anavoog from your friends list and add ana instead

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