Welcome to Stvlive.com… a “life-glimpse” website featuring me – a silly girl named Stephanie. It is an ongoing experiment that began in 1998… a place where I can document my life, create art, and reach out to people all over the world. You will find my diary entries, art, photography, modeling, snapshots, a live webcam and so much more.
What is Stv?
Throughout the years, Stvlive.com has evolved from a little personal website to a membership webcam site and back to a personal place to blog and dream. Now that I am older (Wiser? Who knows!) and a mommy, I have to do what feels right today. I *will* be featuring a lot of photos and content from back in the “webcam girl days”! You can expect some of those cam shows and archived modeling photos to be along the lines of what you see here… that was a part of my life for a long time. There are many other times when I’ll look rumpled, sleepy, average, or even ugly. I am human just like you. For the most part, Stv will act as my personal blog.
Want more?
I run another blog featuring my craft projects and life as a mommy at Imagine Our Life. Please stop by!