- My grumpy pumpkin
- Yum!
- Jax the Barista
- With Mommy!
- With Laura!
Halloween was fun! I sewed Jax a little Starbucks apron so he could hand out candy as a barista. It came out super cute! I cut the logo out of two venti cups and glued it on to the tiny apron and an old hat that I had painted black. He wore the uniform of khaki pants, a black polo and black shoes. His girlfriend at Starbucks gave us some tiny sample cups that he loved holding and playing with.
Laura came over Halloween night and we handed out candy together. I couldn’t have done it without her! The baby definitely didn’t want me to leave his side at all, so while he was in his booster seat eating dinner, Laura had door duty. At one point, the most horrifying creature came up on to our porch and wouldn’t leave. Omg. I sent Laura to take a photo of it because I didn’t want to go near it!
After candy time, we all had pizza, then piled onto the couch to watch football. Well, I didn’t watch football, but I pretended to. 😛
Next year, I hope that Jax is able to tell me what he wants to be for Halloween! I’ll be happy to sew him something.