19 Weeks

19 Weeks, originally uploaded by punquin.

I’m 19 weeks along today! Almost halfway through. It’s going soooo slow! Now that I’m starting to show a bit, I’m hoping it will move faster.

I’ve been feeling the baby regularly for the past week. One night, baby even kicked hard enough for Danny to feel! There is still a lot of time between kicks, and I have to be sitting still or laying down. I can’t wait to feel the baby even more! I even like when he/she is stomping on my cervix. I just like knowing baby is in there…

19 weeks means I am about to find out the baby’s sex! My main concern with the ultrasound is seeing a healthy baby, but knowing the sex will help me bond with baby.

Get your guesses in now!

0 thoughts on “19 Weeks

  1. Heartburn is a sign of lots of hair…and btw you can find the sex out at 16 weeks an up the OBs jsut like to do it right in the middle. I found out that my first was a girl actually at 14 weeks.

    My vote is a girl !!! But that is only cause I have two and love them

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