Ouch, originally uploaded by punquin.
I bent my nail backwards yesterday and it split halfway down (only 1/3 down once I cut off the part that was past my fingertip). It looked gruesome yesterday, but not so bad today without the blood. It hurts when I use that finger because the flap of nail digs into my nail bed. Ouch. I wish I could cut off more, but it’s still attached on one side, and that would expose about 5 mm of raw nail bed. Ick.
Looks ouchy, and I want to attack you with lotion. Ring on thumb is cute, sorry.
I attack myself with lotion about once per hour, to no avail. I have lotion strategically placed around the house/my office. I just wash my hands too much. The hurt finger is extra dry from being bandaged all night.
Re the ring: Thanks!
Hmm! I find sometimes a break from lotion helps my skin remember how to do it on it’s own – like if you use chapstick all the time you uh…have to use chapstick all the time. If you tough it out you can “kick your dependence.” If the issue is serious, not drinking enough boring liquids or nutrition could be issues. You’re right about the effect of frequent washing of course.
There’s the solution – stop washing! Uh…
I wonder how long I could go before I broke down and moisturized… *shudder*
And, for my lips, I’m a full-blown balm addict. Blistex being my weapon of choice.
Not… wash… hands..? Gah! I’d catch a new sickness every week! Hah.
Can you like glue a fake nail on top of it as a splint while it grows out or something?
Agh! So sorry to see this. It happens to me about once a year or so, and I know how painful and then annoying it can be while it heals/ grows out, because it snags on everything without a bandaid. I hope yours grows out quickly!
ahhhhh!! i am getting sympathy pains. I have short fingernails but when i grow them out at all they bend like that and its horrible