January 2008 :: Year of Photos, originally uploaded by punquin.
Welcome to February.
I finally set up my Twitter account to send all of my “mini blog” updates to Livejournal at the end of the day, since that is often the only thing I get a chance to update. Does anyone else have a Twitter (or want to start one)? I’d love to add more friends.
Trash is taken out, errands have been run, Spanish lessions have been completed, nap has been taken, Danny has been talked to on the phone. Now I need to do my Sunday night updates for work, make/eat dinner, and braid braid braid.
Welcome to my exciting life.
I’m on Twitter; already following you! 🙂
That twitter thing is neat. How it updates on LJ, I mean! I don’t have a twitter so I didn’t realize it could do that…but I always feel like I forget what to say when I update my LJ.
The fourth picture across, of the little dog, is cute.
Looks a little bit like my nan’s dog.
Sorry for the random comment, just browsing.