Frozen Veggies Help, originally uploaded by punquin.
A list!!
- Benny no longer has balls. He was neutered the Thursday before last. We were going to have a party for him, but only 2 people could come, so we canceled. No balls, and no party. He is doing well, but is bursting at the seems from lack of exercise. This week we should be back to normal.
- I got cute new shoes that I love. They are shredding my heels because my feet are boney, but they are almost broken in.
- Last night, we brought Benny along with us to a party in Sumerduck, VA for a huge fireworks show that our friends’ neighbor puts on. He did great – both meeting our friends’ three dogs, and with the fireworks. In fact, he was falling asleep at my feet while we were outside watching them. I have no picture of them, because my camera was inside and I didn’t want to disturb Benny. Our friend Ivan took pictures. I’ll have to pester him for some. I took some pictures after the fireworks, but I seem to have left my card reader at work.
- I have a tummy ache. It is so fun being a girl sometimes.
- I added a bazillion members to my site tonight. Sorry for the delay, folks. Can we please have 36 hours in a day instead of 24? Now, I just need to update it, right?
- The HOA finally approved our request for a fence in our backyard. It goes in on Friday. Last week Danny had a tree company move some shrubs out of the way. We re-homed them in our front yard to replace the one that got damaged in an ice storm this year.
- We are short staffed at work, so Monday and Thursday I will be working in the Daycare (at the front desk). I’ll be away from my computer from noon to 8 pm. I will get lots of doggy hugs and kisses though.
- Any requests for my next photoshoot? (My last one was the scarf set) The theme must go with nappy braids.
- I should be in bed. And, I should take more Advil. And, the universe sucks sometimes.
- Recomend a song to me that will make me smile. Preferably link to it on myspace or youtube. Pleas note, I don’t like country nor any songs (mostly rap) where the artist singsabout how cool they think they are.
- Banana.
- I’ve been told that Benny needs a middle name. Benjamin XXX Segall. I’m thinking one syllable.
- Ow.
- I figured out I have to breathe every four paces while jogging. and Benny needs a stick or a ball in his mouth so he doesn’t yank me into the grass after every twig and leaf he sees. Running has been on hold do to the vet’s orders (Benny’s vet – no mine).
- My birthday is in less than two weeks. Yikes! Maybe I’ll just skip it this year. I don’t care about getting older, so much, but I hate that a year has gone by with so many goals still unachieved. Not for lack of trying!
- We closed our old PO box (because we moved further away), so don’t send birthday cards there. I am pondering where to open a new one (or IF to open one).
- I can’t find my pants!
- Benny just came down to tell me he is ready for bed.
- 19.
- Why is it always Monday??
ooooo cuteness in the shoes! 🙂
last weekend someone in an elevator said ‘oh! are you cyka? i’ve seen you on the internet’. that freaked me out a little, but then someone on facebook asked when am i gonna revive cykakam. weirdness. i’ve considered it a few times. what to do, what to do?
you gotta send me your new address so i can slip you some japlandian birthday goodness! mail me? cyka at cyka dot net.
Here’s one for your #10 … this even made me smile.
Benjamin K. Segall, maybe Benny Kaye Segall
Two things for you, first is not a song but an FAQ for dogs. Second is just strange.
Fantastic silly tune.
songs i *heart* right now:
elo- mr. blue sky (
adam & the ants- kings of the wild frontier (
siouxie & the banshees- hong kong garden (
death cab for cutie- crooked teeth (
pulp- disco 2000 (