Damage, originally uploaded by punquin.
When I was in the bath this morning, I heard a sliding noise followed by a crash that shook the house. It sounded like some ice fell off the roof, but I soon forgot about it.
A little later, once I was dressed, I took the dogs out for walks and discovered what had happened. The ice from our porch roof – 4″ thick – had slide off and hit the ground with a crash. It knocked our street lamp crooked. It split a tree in half vertically. It smashed 75% of our shrubbery, and it destroyed my beloved Buddha statue.
The ice is so thick and heavy, I couldn’t lift a 1 sq ft piece off of Buddha (though I do have a bum arm).
Just imagine…
… somebody would have been hit by this roof avalanche. o_O;
Perhaps it would be a good idea to let install roof avalanche stoppers during the summer. For the next winter.
Horribly, and what the pretty in a snow?