My News!

Front Exterior
Originally uploaded by punquin.

Without further ado… Here is my big news:

We got a new house!

Everything has happened really fast. We found the house the weekend before Halloween, after months of looking. It is further from the city than we are, but you have to move further out if you want a big house and nice yard at an affordable price. We need to sell our house before we can buy a new one, but we can’t get our house in selling shape until we get the animals and furniture out. Luckily, in addition to accepting our offer for 29K below asking price, the sellers agreed to let us rent until we sell ours. One reason they accepted, is because we agreed to immediate occupancy (the owners have already moved to Florida) – we get the keys on the 15th! So soon.

I have a whole lot of packing to do the next two weeks. I am trying to just focus on each task, instead of overwhelming myself with the big picture. I have to work till 8 pm all week, so I only have mornings to pack. Dan is able to work from home this week, so he has been stuck with contractor duty – we’ve been getting quotes for painting and flooring in the old house.

OMG we are beyond excited, but a little dazed! I didn’t want to jinx anything by talking about it too soon. But, we just finished the home inspection and we told our families last night.


0 thoughts on “My News!

  1. Iam happy as heck for you and Dan!…

    That’s a BEAUTIFUL home Stephanie! Iam going to keep my fingers crossed for you and hope everything goes smoothly.

  2. wow wow, what a great looking house! Hope settlement goes smoothly!

    You must show pictures of the inside when you get a chance!


    Nice digs!

    Congrats punq and worlock!

    Man.. that is swanky… couple more acres of land and I might be jealous πŸ˜›

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