Today we went bike riding along the W & OD trail. It was a really pretty day – though a bit hot if you weren’t moving. Our friend, Ivan, joined us for the ride. He kindly kept to my slow pace. I am not so good at the bike riding… We rode off the trail for a bit to stop at a brewery for refreshments. On the way home we bought some ingredients for dinner tonight.
Now the boys are playing video games together. I turned on my Animal Crossing and opened up my town gates. If we have exchanged friend codes, you should stop by! Party in Pooville! Email me if you want to trade codes. Hopefully my DS won’t crash again like it just did. I have no idea what that was all about.
Dominion Brewery? Do they have a cafe thing attached to it? It has been years since I’ve been there, but I kinda remember that they were building a small restaurant/cafe to go with the place.
I always hear people talking about Animal Crossing. One day, I’ll get a DS..