stephanie is: sleepy…
So, my 6 to 4 pin firewire cable arrived. It works great, but it is too short to reach the bedroom where I was using the night-vision cam. Danny is extremely against me buying an extension cable to make it reach. He hates that camera. I’ve always kept it just on me.
As soon as I started it it became my favorite of all the cam views simply because it showed me my sleep habits. After many years of insomnia and troubles sleeping, it is fascinating to look back each night at how much you toss and turn and how often you really woke up. I’ve also gotten some adorable pictures of me and my animals cuddling together asleep (including ones I treasure of me and my late kitten, Sabrina). After years, it still holds my interest – even if no one else cares.
But, I guess I get to point yet another camera at the same room, since that is the only place it will reach. I’ll try my best to make it something interesting.
I have to get to bed. I am on my own getting to work tomorrow, so I can’t be falling asleep in the car as usual.