new photos

stephanie is: busy busy…
So, over the summer I did a rather large photoshoot with the very talented Michael Woodward. We did numerous sets – so many that I divided the pictures into 5 parts to go through later. In July, I put the first part up…

Well, today I was trying to sift photos from a big folder into categories for my gallery when I came across the other 4 parts of the summer shoot. It was a nice surprise! I had forgotten how many wonderful pictures he took.

I’ve just posted part two. I’ll try to get to the other 3 sections with less of a delay. I just need to photoshop out zits and under-eye circles, then crop/resize/thumbnail them. Here are two samples:

I hope to do some modeling/photography this month. I have plans for some self-shoots once I get well into my hair rebraiding (I just can’t get into it when my hair feels like a rat’s nest.) And, hopefully Kollin and I can pick a date for a shoot.

Oh, hey! Capitalization! Sometimes I get tired of remembering to type all lowercase here (simply for the sake of consistency.) So there!

So in the physical-woes-and-complaints department, I have a wretched back ache. Fess up, who has the voodoo doll.

My party invite is done with the exception of some missing email addresses.

I will be making Holiday cards to mail out in the near future. If you would like one, please send me your mailing address. I would very much like cards from others – I know I’ve missed filling my address into others’ address-request posts, so here it is (though real-life friends may email me for my home address if you want that instead):

Stephanie Segall, 11654 Plaza America DR #239, Reston, Virginia, 20190

Enjoy your long weekends. If you don’t hear from me, then boredom drove me to attempt shopping and the mall ate me alive…

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