stephanie is: sick…
there has been a cold going around work for 3 weeks now. 75% of my coworkers have caught it. i could tell the germs were starting to beat me down at the beginning of the week. i tried getting more sleep, drinking echinacea tea, vitamins… but the germs worn thursday night and i woke up with the cold on friday. bah!
saturday i was miserable. i spent most of the day in bed, reading and resting and blowing my damn nose. after dinner i added a lot of pictures to the stvlive gallery (many many more to come… it’s going to take a while to catch up). we watched “taking lives” in bed (hello angelina jolie!). i took nyquil but it did nothing for my stuffy/runny nose. instead, it just made me more tired so i could be even more frustrated that my sinuses were keeping me up all night.
sunday i got up, showered/dressed/medicated so i could actually try to enjoy part of my weekend. we went out to arlington and had a nice brunch. we stopped by an animal shelter that was having a fall festival, but there wasn’t much to see. so we drove to old town alexandria and wandered along the water since it was so beautiful out.

after we had wandered a while, danny suggested we head out to mt. vernon to see george washington’s plantation. we had tried to go there in the past, but turned around when we saw you had to pay (money was rather tight then). it took a long time to get in and through the mansion tour since the lines were long, but it was nice to see a bit of history. afterwards we wandered the farm land and forests. i made some friends…

i think my head got a little sunburnt today. oh well. i am going to head to bed now, since i still have the cold, i haven’t been sleeping, and i have to get up at 5am.
there are a couple more pictures in my moblog.