stephanie is: sleepy…
so my biggest news is starting this week i get weekends off! i asked for this because danny will now have them off as well. i didn’t expect to get it, but it seems everyone else prefers to have one of their days off be a weekday. i am also going to be working from home on fridays. i got a contract doing web work every week. that will also be my day for my freelance projects. i had been thinking of doing an occasional day from home to do doggie daycare web work before i got the contract, but i compromised by using that time for everything. i’ll prolly save the doggie stuff for every sunday since that is when i post the ‘dog of the week’.
our new furniture is slowly settling into place. the only thing left to be “built” is my wall shelves. there is still a lot of stuff left to be put away, but i’ve been picking through it whenever i get a chance (which isn’t often).
here are some pictures from the past few days…
<– the girls love their doggie bed so i promised them i’d buy them a second one when i had enough spending cash set aside. so on friday i took a midday break to target for a pretty plaid one. it is super soft. i put it under my desk since all the animals have been laying under there.
china loves that spot. right now, ivan is curled up on it instead of his usual spot on my chair.
i had my camera out taking pictures around the room so i took one of myself. i look like a dork, as usual. i got that pendant recently to match a bracelet that has been in my family. the roots of my nappy ass braids are convienently not in the picture. –>
<– we are starting to get things on our shelves and in the drawers. i have a lot less nick-nacks than i thought… the nick-nack cubbies are nearly empty! i’ll need to work on that. i bet a lot of it is because i never seem to buy any souvieners when we travel. i still need to fill the baskets with the stuff that doesn’t end up in the drawers. i got a rug and a throw pillow to spruce things up. the rug is just a temporary cheap-o one from target until we find a nice one that we like. it will have to not have loops like this one. loops + dog toenails = oops.
we replaced the small bookcase we had on this wall with a tall one. we got a decorative side piece that works out well with the corner of the wall. except for the fact that our wall was crooked so we anchored the shelf askew to compensate. the slight height difference is much better than how it looked to have an inch plus of wall showing where the corner got wider towards the ceiling. we had to cut a hole for our thermostat, but it was only through the cheap-o press board stuff. i love how our collectables look so far. the top two shelves are emptyish right now, though the bottom 4 are filled with books. –>
<– today i sewed some dog beds for work (we use a lot of them in the summer and around holidays with lots of dogs boarding). i used the work futon sheets that were too ripped to use anymore as fabric. india tested them out for me and she approved. the toy is a little frisbee that came for free with the dog bed. she was very excited about that. it is already pretty chewed up. i’ll have to buy her a nicer one sometime. i didn’t think she’d like a toy like that since she wasn’t too into her plastic frisbee. earlier this week she got an emergency bath because she rubbed her face in cat diarrhea. adfkjgbdskjghea!!
tonight we drove out to the inner harbor (baltimore) for dinner. we wandered around a while, though the weather was very swampy and it was lightening a lot. we went to an italian place for dinner. there was cheese in my arrabiata sauce so i had to scrape most of the sauce off. it was good though. we were wilting from the heat/humidity. i got a little sick from the cheese on the way home, but my raspberry-ginger tea is helping now. –>
<– oops! i went to turn my camera off and got distracted. i pressed the shutter instead. i didn’t think it took a picture at the time…
what are your plans for tomorrow? i am so used to having to work…
and happy birthday to all you august babies including: gikiski, dcver, mac, and photoboy who all have one this week!