stephanie is: hungry…
as those who have looked in on the webcams may know… our office (the suposed-to-be-living/dining space in our townhouse) is a ultra mega disaster right now as we get rid of our “desks” from 1999 (they were really dressers pushed together) and set up all new furniture from ikea. we have most of the furniture built, but we can’t put anything away on the shelves or in the drawers yet until everything is secured to the wall. the only pieces still in their boxes are the wall shelves and some drawer units for under danny’s desk. stuff is everywhere and it is driving me crazy, but i am using this opportunity to sort through it all. i will finally get to have all my books on bookshelves instead of having 50 or 60 upstairs in piles on our dresser.
here is a super fast panorama of our disaster area as seen from the stairs. i’ll have to do an after shot when we are all done.

i’d like to add some color to the room with a throw rug or something… if you know of anything cool and not all kinds of expensive, point me in the right direction.
today i did contract web work, shipped a package and picked up lunch for danny and i, helped danny rewire his server rack, napped, and now i am HUNGRY because it is way past dinner time.
danny is done with his old job. he was supposed to start his new one on monday, but they got the start date wrong or something and he is now starting thursday. so he’ll get a nice 6-day weekend. i’m not jealous or anything… *cough*
i have tomorrow off, then i am back to work on sunday. my schedule is going to be changing a bit. i have a contract i just started doing web work every friday. i will also be taking part of that day to do doggy daycare web work after so many months of no time at all. so i talked with my managers and i dropped my days at the daycare down to 4 per week. and i will now have saturday and sunday as my weekend! i thought it wouldn’t be possible, but it turns out almost everyone else there prefers to have one of their days off during the week. i am also going to stop doing the night shifts unless asked to fill in. danny’s job will be normal business hours and i CAN’T WAIT to actually see him every day!
tell me your favorite dessert. i am a dessert whore!