are we there yet?

stephanie is: sleeeeeepy sleeeeeepy…
tired! i woke up after only a few hours of sleep since i had to wake the puppies up at work today. it was way too early since i had all 9am or later shifts last week (except my normal 8am sundays). one good thing is someone traded shifts with me this thursday. i was going to have to get home at midnight and leave for the airport at 8am or whatever… now i get to leave work at 3pm. that will make packing much easier.

i can’t wait to go on vacation! though, i don’t want to leave my furry babies for a week. moose will be house-sitting them. he is the only one i trust with them. i’ve packed all the dogs meals and treats and medicines up. they will be spoiled babies. the cats aren’t big on treats but i have wet food for them.

my back is healing… the scabs on the long scratch part peeled on yesterday. the bad part at the bottom is just now scabbing. it was at that gross yellow-snot stage of a scab this morning. everyone says it looks nasty. i’m glad i can barely see it. i keep hurting myself (a sure indication that a vacation is long over-due)… thursday night at work i slammed a door open into my forehead. ow. i got a lump and a bruise from that. i was working the late night shift after we closed and walking around with an ice pack on. people from the training class kept asking me what was on my head.

today danny and i made a short trip to the grocery store before cooking dinner. when we came back, i did dishes and was mid-way through putting groceries away when i noticed my 200 lb dresser that is part of my desk was moved over a foot. wtf?!! it was enough to make danny ask if the alarm was still set when i came in from the garage. it had been. it didn’t take me long to figure out india must have gotten her collar caught on the desk and freaked out, pulling the dresser section out from the wall since the drawers don’t open very far (they are very full and rather broken). had she pulled it any farther, my monitor would have fell.

how it was and how it should be

sequence of events

i finally got my damn period today – 5 days late. it always happens when we plan a vacation. i think it is because i get stressed and excited. at least it came soon enough that it will be ending the first couple of days and none of the bad parts will be then… tmi, but whatever.

i am going to head to bed as soon as i eat my daily protein bar. danny is about to go to work. i can’t wait to have a whole week with him on the same schedule as me!!

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