
stephanie is: artistic artistic…
after 2 days in a row of only 3 hours of sleep, i came straight home and took a 3 hour nap. danny cooked himself a steak for dinner and made a baked potato and veggies for me. i am about to head upstairs for a shower, then i’ll go back to bed as soon as my hair is dry enough.

i’d like to start doing pet portraits, as time allows. i am doing a puppy portrait of india as my first test. it is in colored pencil on textured watercolor paper (since they are watercolor pencils and i may decide to “paint” the background). i am trying to see how long this 5″x7″ drawing takes to know if it would be worthwhile time-wise for what i should charge for a custom portrait. so far the head took me an hour (only minor details left to do), and each ear took me 10 minutes. i am not trying to match the photo exactly… i want to be able to work from them (since dogs can’t hold still very well and people might want puppy version like this one) but infuse my own style into the portrait.

here are some photos of it… the colors are off because they were taken very quickly in low light.


and one that shows the photo i am working from

so do you think this is worth persuing? i really miss doing fine art regularly.

(add your thoughts)