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stephanie is: tired tired…
busy busy busy busy.

today during my two hours in the lounge at work, i started working on a chore schedule for me. i have this week mostly done. today’s chores were: gather tax info, collect all the trash, wash the sheets and put them on the bed, dog of the week updates for work, and about 5 braids. making my spreadsheet took way longer than the 2 hours i allotted, so i am a bit behind. i really should be in bed now. i still have to shower, put the sheets on the bed, and do braids. i will just do braiding after my shower until my hair is dry enough to get in bed with.

tomorrow we have our tax appointment in the evening so i only scheduled 5 braids and kitchen duty (i ahve to braid braid braid cause my head is a mess mess mess). tuesday i will do 5 braids, and up to 3 hours of web work. wednesday i’ve listed (of course) braids, and because i don’t need to be at work until 1pm thursday, a camshow/photoshoot. thursday i work until 11pm (i will be with the doggies on my own for the first time – though there will be a training class for most of it) so i’ve only scheduled braids and web work. my weekend chores will be to change the litterboxes and start to: sort out old clothes and break down the old bunny hutch with wire clippers. too much to do. can i have a few extra hours per day to schedule a nap in? our appointment tomorrow is at 6:30 so i don’t think a nap is in the schedule unless i speed right home and dive under the covers. mmm, covers….

(add your thoughts)