3 years…

stephanie is: tired tired…
tired tired today. my first thought after waking up this morning was ‘i can’t wait to go to bed!’. hah. might have had something to do with the cat waking me up just after i’d fallen asleep. he knocked over the dog gate at the top of the stairs and it went slamming down. i went down and fixed it and stepped in something wet, but didn’t see anything on the floor when i looked around. i was about to get into bet when i found a cat turd on my foot. shfuusgdiuhgsk@#!! so by the time i got my foot disinfected i was wide awake again. good thing, i guess. simba was acting all weird after (literally) having the shit scared out of him and he jumped up on the bed and started digging at the comforter where danny lays like he was about to take a dump there. i took his ass to the litter boxes so fast he hid from me the rest of the night. today after work when i tried to nap for a little while he was sucking up to me and kept creeping closer and closer to my face. maybe he was trying to steal my soul. all he managed to do was wake me up again.

i have a question… i can now send/receive yahoo mail (account is stvlive – not putting the full address for spam harvesting reasons. yahoo has enough spam as it is). i’d like to use that to make livejournal posts, but in order to do anything remotely useful (like taking out the yahoo ad crap that is attached to the end or choosing my user pic) i have to be able to type a line break. i have danny’s hand-me-down phone – verizon’s version of the samsung SCH-a310. anyone know how?

tomorrow is st. patrick’s day and our 3rd wedding anniversary. i loaf you, danny!

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