stephanie is: eating…
yesterday i woke up at 6am. oops! i must have turned off my alarm and fallen back asleep at 5:15am. i had to skip showering so that i could use my 20 minutes to dress and pack my lunch. the day was okay but there were a lot of dogs there. and it seemed like it was chocolate lab bath day. i warned my manager when she was writing up the nap-time assignments that the choc. lab i bathed last time was a water lunatic and she should put two people down for him. i got one of two choc. lab brother who are very jumpy in the room, but he turned out to be perfectly calm during his bath. i didn’t get to see how joey’s bath went… but one of the people who bathed him was pretty wet afterwards. he LOVES hoses and goes nuts jumping and biting at the water when it is running. but we love him.
today is my day off. i woke up at 7:45am so i could drop simba at the groomer’s by 9am. he was badly in need of bath and brush out before his spring shedding caused too much matting. they gave me a pick-up time of 2pm.
danny was home from work when i got back. he ate breakfast and went to bed. i treated myself to breakfast since it is not something i have time for during the week. i had cheerios in lactose-free skim milk, orange juice, and an english muffin.
while i was getting some braid maintenance done, the phone rang. the caller id said the hospital my dad volunteers at (and where i was born). but it was my brother (nonsanity). his wife (cuddles_cat) is due to have a baby in another month, but due to her blood pressure they have checked her in to the hospital and are inducing right now. if she doesn’t have the baby soon, they will do a c-section. so when danny gets up, i need to ask him if he can take family leave to come home from work early tonight. that way he could get some sleep so we can go up there tomorrow. i shall be an aunt! (i have always pronounced it “ahhnt”. “ant” is a bug.) please think good thoughts for them. they deserve a beautiful, healthy first baby…
i just got back from picking simba up from the groomer’s. he was still working on him when i got there so i played with the puppies they had out front. simba probably looks the same to anyone but me and the groomer, but it know how awful he was since i am the one that (trys to) brush him every night. the shedding was just getting out-of-control as it does every few months.
i am currently eating lunch. a smaller lunch than what i bring to work, but since i am at home i can snack all day. lunch is:
-cranapple juice
-bowl of grapes
-half of a green bell pepper
-garlic pita chips
-cracked pepper hummus
so… how YOU doin’?