stephanie is: sleepy…
i worked the 1pm to 8pm shift tonight. they were short on night staff. a new girl started… she was a trooper – it must have sucked not knowing any of the dogs names. it is easier to learn them if you are there as they arrive one-by-one. danny is my hero – he had chinese food ready for me 5 minutes after i got home (i was early). tomorrow it is back to the morning shift.
recommend a perfume/fragrance to me (that isn’t expensive). i like smelling good (though i have to spray it on my clothes, not my skin to avoid a rash) but can’t go scent shopping because my nose clogs up in perfume departments. some smells i like are: vanilla, sandlewood, cinnamon, citrus, ginger, jasmine and other oriental flowers…
i should go get in bed and try to undwind in hope of sleeping sometime soon.i get up at 5:20am tomorrow. i already packed my lunch so i’ll have time to wash my hair in the morning.