stephanie is: surprised…
so yesterday i get home from work and running errands and it takes me about 15 minutes before i even make it to my desk. where i do, i see this:
esadjhgaekhgwaerfwef!!! i was speechless, yea. danny is the bestest! i have had my kodak dc290 for almost 4 years and have taken nearly 8000 photos with it. it is a good cam but has had many flaws that have affected my results in recent projects. and don’t get me started on my little crappy movie camera that is taped together and turns everything green and blurry. now i have a camera with all these features i am so clueless about but am dying to learn to use. danny wants me to be good with it by the time we go on our mini vacation in december. i don’t know photography terminology so i have a lot to learn.
the things i am excited about so far are: movies, not having to blur backgrounds in photoshop later, all the manual settings i don’t know how to use yet, not having to wait up to a minute for the camera to process a couple pictures, 2x as much optical zoom as i had and a buttload of digital, and macro mode. talk to me in a week and i’ll have more. i can’t afford any accessories right now and i need to replace my printer before i can print photos again, but who cares right now!
here are some pictures from my new camera: the thank you dinner i took danny to last night done in night mode; wine bottles in macro with a nice depth of field; super sharp action shot of india who loves to lick lenses; still clear shot thought zoomed way in on tess; me and lucy seeing how flesh tones come out.
so, does anyone want to go out on a picture taking spree somewhere on saturday? danny works friday night through saturday morning so he will be asleep on my day off.