stephanie is: tired…
busy busy busy! but i have saturday off so hopefully i will finally have time to catch my breath and get some chores done. my last day off was a lot of errands.
i trained another new girl at work today. the last girl just didn’t show up on her third day and we never heard from her again. nice. i’m not sure why they’ve pick me to train two… but it helps me because teaching someone else reinforces what you know. they are luckier than i was – i was just stuck in the big crazy playroom for a week straight. the new girls now get to follow us in both rooms on their first day. not fair! hehe.
i caught a glimpse of thanksgiving week’s schedule-in-progress today. i had volunteered to work thanksgiving cause it is time-and-a-half. we’ll have 63 dogs boarding that day. right now it says i will be working 7 days straight. ow. but it is money.
i still have a bazillion stv pictures to add… almost done sifting through them all. then i’ll need to thumbnail them and add them to the gallery. zillions and zillions of pictures. haven’t scheduled a show this week because monday night (the night before my first day off of the week) i had to go back to work, and there is a possibility danny can take off work tomorrow night and i want to be able to spend time with him. i will schedule one for the night before my next day off after saturday.
it sucks not seeing danny much. when i get home he is in bed. i am realizing it is nice to just strip down and crawl in bed with him around 5 or 6pm. i can nap for an hour or two (normally i am getting so tired from being on my feet all day that i am already useless at that point), cuddle with him, and we can shower together if he wakes up by 8pm. if the only time i get to see him is during a nap, so be it. i can certainly use the sleep!