
stephanie is: sleepy sleepy…
i’ve been busy busy the last few days. nothing terribly exciting yet… but on sunday we get to have diner with my daddy in my home town!

on thursday i woke up after 4 hours of sleep (has been the trend this whole week) and ran errands all over. well, not all over, but three stops. then for hours i took care of bunny stuff: separating the two hutches, setting up bun’s new non-mesh-floor hutch, cleaning the poop from her ass caused by the old hutch’s floor, putting ointment on said ass, trimming everyone’s toenails, cleaning all poopies of the bunny and cat-type varieties, vacuuming with our old half-hearted vacuum, and beginning to take apart bun’s old hutch. phew! i am sore today!

about a half hour after all that i offered to bring danny “lunch”. so i baked mini brownies and packed up sammiches and chips for us and got to his work around 3:30am. we shared our meal then i headed back home to dig back into the work i’ve been doing this week.

friday (still friday for me, but nearly bedtime) i finally set up a photoshoot with a new photographer after 3 months of puting it off. azcra so kindly agreed to make it a join shoot so i would have the security of the buddy-system to help with my shyness. it will be on the morning of the 20th.

she invited me to their renaissance festival outing later that day. i am looking forward to that! i even worked there for a while when i was 16.

i stood outside the archery area and heckled people to get them to come play, if you can believe it. i was much easier to do an outgoing thing like that in a costume and accent. my costume was horrible, so to jazz it up i would grab a bunch of the arrows (pretty dull points) and stick them into my waist band and bra and whatever so they were sticking out at all angles like i had a slight accident. one of the faire actors who played the grave digger would have great fun with me every time he passed by… he’d as if i was feeling okay or just get out his shovel and start digging beside me. the axe throw was right beside archery and there was a man shouting advertisments for it as well. we’d go back and forth trying to get the same people. or at least embarass them. lots of people took pictures with me and took videos. somewhere out there is proof!

i want to dress for it so i think i will sew something up this week. i am not sure i can do a bodice with boning and grommets, but i will try! my dear friend gikiski surprised me with some money towards buying my fabric. it caught me off guard and actually brought tears to my eyes cause i am a big dork. thank you gik!

there is a new members’ gallery. i really like some of the body shots in this one…

~members click to see~

~or click to join~

please excuse if this entry has a bazillion typos. i have been up since 4pm and only got 4 not-so-good hours of sleep. i am heading to bed now! see you in 4-5 hours, heh.

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