stephanie is: ehn…
i really hate doing software updates on my mac. i put off doing a security update for two weeks because 50% of the time when i do updates my computer will mysteriously decide not to boot back up. software update is evil i say! sure enough it didn’t boot up. 3rd time this has happened since i started using osX (been a while, so i guess three times isn’t as bad as i make it out to be). i tried resetting the pram, but that only rewarded me with the os9 where’s-my-system-folder-? icon. i booted off my os9 norton cd and fixed some major owies on the os9 partition. i rebooted to check that it really fixed them all, but it wouldn’t even boot from a 9 cd anymore. at that point i just gave up and reinstalled 10.2. i had everything backed up anyway, so i wasn’t worried about it screwing anything up. last time it completely fucked all my permissions, but it seems okay so far this time. that took way too much of my ‘day’.
since i had to baby sit my computer through installed and upgrading it back up to where i was (though i have not found the courage to try the security update again) i decided to clean the office some. *cough* dusty. i moved one of the bookshelves over to my side of the room to make room for the kennel on the other side. the dogs like it better there and i wasn’t fond of it being right behind my desk. i reorganized both of the bookshelves and my yarn baskets. i should probably neaten and dust my display shelves at some point.
a picture of dr. poopoo in action
the night has gone super fast. i definitly need to request more hours in a day. more days in a week would be nice too…
if i make the waffles, will you make the hash browns?