stephanie is: groggy groggy…
i need to go to bed soon. i’m not tired, but my eyes sure hurt. i had insomnia last night (no real reason besides stress over scheduleing an interview) and only got about 3 good hours of sleep. the interview is scheduled for friday the 13th. my dad says: “Friday the 13th was lucky for me. Still be cautious of people approaching your head with a drill!” but then he had his brain surgery on a friday the 13th. interviews aren’t brain surgery… right?

i got some freelance work done tonight and a lot of site stuff prepped. i have 9 webcamsets queued up to be added in the next few days. eep! that is because i’ve been doing shows about twice a week lately. i will start on those as soon as i get through all of the april webcampics. need… more… time…

oh and my friend rojisan stopped by for PIE since he was in the neighborhood. yey for diner PIE!

danny’s work schedule will be extra kooky for a while since they are doing all sorts of training classes that are messing up the schedules. he might get saturday night off. then he’ll have to work sunday night and stay on through monday for a class. he’d be on a day schedule for the duration of that class. i was trying to figure it all out while he was explaining it but i think he lost me.

I am 13,671 in LJ years (17,355 if i add in the comment i’ve received since moving them to my own database).

okay, my bed and book are calling to me……

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