stephanie is: groggy groggy…
ahh sooo tired. i had slept “well” two days in a row cause i took allergy medicine. it has been raining non-stop and the mold is getting to me. even the mud in our back yard is molding. today i could not sleep. i hadn’t taken medicine cause i didn’t want to rely on it so much. by 1pm i HAD to take it cause i had the Sore Throat from Hell. by 2pm it had taken the edge off by i still couldn’t sleep. somewhere around 3pm the people in the house behind us started constructing a deck. so. fucking. loud. eventually exhaustion (combined with medicine that was making my heart race like mad) let me sleep through the noise for a few hours. the dogs woke me up at 8:30pm when danny came in with chinese food. he suggested i go back to bed for a while, but i think i may just go lay down and watch tv – nap if i need to. then i’ll shower and do some of my freelance photo retouching assignment.

i really want chocolate but we don’t have any.

i have been working hard at adding my old diary entries to a database. i am capitolizing everything and changing the format slightly so it is taking a while. i’ve made it to the year 2000. i really want to get it done so i can finally add all the newer entries. i also have many show galleries to put up.

here is a silly thing lots of people have been doing. i wonder how you can be more than 100% compatible with someone?

persis 106%
coral 102%
wendy_w 102%
mac 102%
steeltoe 102%
gravity 98%
apriljoy 98%
thatjen 98%
nonsanity 98%
meredith 98%
kaela 95%
genericgirl 95%
jenniferbaughan 95%
cuddles_cat 95%
terka 91%
violet 91%
gikiski 91%
izzicam 91%
waveydavey 87%
photo_obscura 87%
acdprime 87%
moonrose 85%
azcra 84%
not_you 84%
moosifer 80%
kevan 80%
sachikam 76%
isobel 75%
How compatible with me are YOU?

there is a clearance sale on some of the items in my store. those items will soon be phased out for now, so hurry! also, you have a few more days to use the $5 coupon code.

(add your thoughts)