stephanie is: cold cold…
i just took a myers-briggs personality test (this one here) and have no clue what i am. i was at exactly 50% for everything except “feeling/thinking” where i was 100% at “feeling”. i’m not suprised since i react differently in different situations (like at parties i am an extreme introvert but online i am the exact opposite), but i can’t read 8 descriptions and figure out how to mush them all together. so the test left me rather unfullfilled.

there will be a cam show at midnight, as shown on the schedule. i am freezing cold. cold cold cold. my hair doesn’t want to dry.

last night i ate at the mongolian buffet with danny, mark, dawn, krizsa, and moose. we had frozen yogurt for dessert and they stopped by to visit our (big) puppies. yey for people visiting!

(add your thoughts)