stephanie is: getting tired…
i have to admit i have an addiction… to bonne bell lip smackers. seriously! this has been going on since college. in fact i recently tried on a coat from college and there was a red raspberry smacker (my long-time favorite) in the pocket. i use them so often i think my lips have stopped producing their own moisture. they are sold in drug stores, grocery stores, and discount stores and it is super hard for me to walk by them. danny has to scold me and tell me i don’t need any more. of course i do! they are all different flavors! hehe. i really want to find orange pop – that was my favorite when i was younger. well, i want them all. donations accepted! i am currently wearing mocha nova.
i went to the grocery store. it was nice and empty. but the self-check lanes were closed. lame. but i got groceries, mostly breakfast food since our dinner time is in the morning and we usually crave breakfasty things then. got some pepto and it seems to help me eat a bit more. in any case i am much better than yesterday and i hope that is the case tomorrow too.
i got 2 of 6 cam show galleries posted. members can find links to them on the home page!