stephanie is: groggy groggy…
hello, happy saturday. my excitment for the day will be an eye doctor’s appointment at 14:30. i am hoping that my prescrition is the same so i don’t have to pay for new lenses. but if they HAVE changed it will be good to have them corrected, as i have been having some eye strain lately.

last night danny and i went to the discount theater and saw “my big fat greek wedding”. it was cute. what rocked was that it was pretty much a private screening as the one other couple left right after they ate. the theater is part restaurant so you sit at tables or bars and have servers to bring you food and drink. they make their money from that since the tickets are super cheap. we shared some nachos – danny ate them like a chipmunk with his front teeth, hehe. i only put a bit of cheese on each chip since i didn’t have medicine with me, and i stopped when my tummy threatened to complain. i had pie for dessert. mm.

i have been working a lot on the site, but mostly on things not sure noticable yet. my to do list is very long, and the site will be kicking a lot of butt my the time i am through it. once again i have re-done the main cam viewing area to include more options. i also simplified the look, since there are so many cams. you can now see the last 3 pictures taken at once so you don’t miss anything. i think i will redo the main remote to be more like that, but leave the smaller remote alone (and just rename it). members can visit the new cam section here.

and if you are a member, i am starting a new weekly contest. while you are viewing the cam, you can click on an image to save and caption the picture. the feature has been around for nearly a year and it helps me a great deal since i have so many pictures to go through and often miss the good ones. unfortunatly, hardly anyone uses it. so as motivation, i will be choosing my favorite every week and (if it isn’t one i saved) the winner will get to choose between an extra week of membership or an trinket via mail. You can see the gallery of all the captured pictures here in the history section.

this is not one of those meme-about-me things – this is my own list of some useless facts.

  1. vision: i think my eyes are currently both -2.75 or it could be -2.50… i’ve been as bad as -3.00. they have actually gotten better then worse then better, so i loose track… i hope if they have changed, it is for the better again.
  2. the newspaper: we get the sunday washington post because dan likes to read parts of it. the newsprint smell gives me a headache right away. i DO clip the coupons every week though.
  3. deoderant fragrance: my armpits smell like melons. you just had to know that, right?
  4. calendar: the calendar hanging on my wall right now is labrador retriever puppies. i got it for $3 since it was january already.
  5. waking up: the first things i do when i wake up is: put my big pillow back on the bed; put on my pajama pants and flipflops; go pee; brush my teeth and put my retainers in cleaning solution; let the dogs out to poop; read my email.

woo! useless facts! what are YOU doing this weekend?

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