stephanie is: snowed in snowed in…
hm. so yea. it snowed is still snowing. we are nearly at 20″ so far. GAH! definitly won’t be going to work tomorrow. The snow isn’t stopping any time soon and it will take a good chunk of the day to shovel out.

when we had about a foot of snow i bundled up in a zillion layers and took each of the dogs for a walk. didi loved romping around, but china was having trouble with the deep snow and wanted to go back in pretty shortly. i let them back in and set to work shoveling out steps, a path to the sidewalk, and the sidewalk in front of our house. i am not so good at shoveling it seems. there were neighbors out doing the same – mostly guys though. i could get the snow on the shovel and lifted up, but the piles were getting so high i couldn’t get the shovel fliped to dump the snow. my arms are still tired. one neighbor brought his doggy out, like he often does when it snows. i went and got didi and let her meet him while on the leash (hehe i got dragged through a snowdrift, oops). they got along so i let her run around off leash, playing while i shoveled. she was a good girl and would come anytime i called that she was too far. and all the people out shoveling were keeping an eye on her. she was a lot more hyper than timber (the neighbor dog) who is 9-yrs-old. by the time i shoveled a path, there were 2″ of fresh snow on it and snot pouring down my face. lovely. stupid -2° windchill.

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