stephanie is: on-site on-site…
i am on-site again today. site changes are likely to come from the higher-ups at some point today so they wanted me to be here for that. unfortunately (for them) they had no way of knowing when, so i am getting paid to sit here at the moment, now that i’ve done all the edits i can think of. it is snowing ouside all pretty-like.

i had planned all along to have my valentines finished last night and in the mail this morning, but of course i couldn’t have known i’d have a temp job come up. they are closeish to being done, but i still have like 20 more envelopes to color and address (of the near 80 total), and i’d like to design, print, and cut out some mini magnets to put in each before i seal them up. i will aim to finish tonight, but i don’t know when i will be excused for the day. once i get the valentines out of the way i can finally add december and january’s webcam galleries in.

we went to a big outlet mall sunday to look for business clothes for me. feh, not much luck there. they were all either ugly or huge. i did get one pair of pinstripe black pants (that i am wearing today) and i shirt that looks like a white-with-black-pinstripes button down with a black sweater vest over it, but it is all one thing. if that makes sense.

la la la.

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