stephanie is: fighting off germs fighting off germs…
danny has been sick with a bad cold since thursday evening. this weekend i’ve started to feel crummy, but so far my body is doing a decent job fighting off the germs. i have a low fever, fatigue, and a bad sore throat – much better than danny, but then he is a couple days ahead of me. hopefully this will just die off before it gets to the spouting snot phase.

i’ve started decorating envelopes for the valentines. click the thumbnail of the monkey below to see three of them. they will all be unique and “speshul”…

i got two signups from the same ip but the people were from different states with different last names. i don’t want people adding others’ names to the list, so i will not send valentines to those two uless they email me. the names are tara of florida and emma from new jersey. email me if you really do want a valentine.

the weather forcasts kept saying we’d only get 1 or 2 inches of snow today – even when we’d already past the 2″ mark. we ended up with around 4″ i took some pictures when we were getting close to 3″…

last night i took theraflu “cinnamon apple” flavor. that stuff is pure ass supreme. knocked me out, sure… but damn it tastes bad. i made it halfway through before i lost my ability to swallow cause it sucked so much. but i had bought maximum strength so half dose was equal to danny’s nyqil. i will try putting a pack of instant apple cider in with it tonight in hopes of a little more flavor to mask the ground-up aspirin taste, ick.

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