stephanie is: groggy groggy…

very very tired. i couldn’t get to sleep till after 6:30am. i just laid there tossing and turning. i read for a while. i got so hungry at 5am that my stomach was crunching into a tiny ball. when i eventually fell asleep the alarm went off right after and i took the puppy to the vet. that wasn’t fun to do alone cause the entire car was frosted over, it was freezing and early, and kids were at all the bus stops cooing and waving to her so she was going nutz running from window to winow barking. luckily the vet is close. i reminded them that the main vet said they could remover her extra toe nail for free so it will stop catching on things. go t the estimate for her spay which is insanly high even after $70 in discounts because of the pre-op tests and the anesthesia. why can’t the population control discount cover that too? they can’t do the operation while they are away. ah, well… my credit card bill never seems to go down anyway. no one gets christmas presents though. got home at 8am and didn’t fall back asleep till 9am though i was twiching and my heart was racing. slept till 12pm – not much but i was greatful for it. it was all dreams. i dreamt i was in a fetshy fashion show. then i dream that i was supposed to have “to my wife” etched into my wedding ring but i looked and it said “to my weave”. so danny wouldn’t let me wear it while we walked around a mall looking for a jeweler. there were a lot of dogs at the mall.

If I was a work of art, I would be Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

I am extremely popular and widely known. Although unassuming and unpretentious, my enigmatic smile has charmed millions. I am a mystery, able to be appreciated from afar, but ultimately unknowable and thus intriguing.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

0 thoughts on “

  1. operations are always expensive. i work at a vet’s office and because of that i get 50% off when i get my kitten neutered in a few weeks. otherwise i’d have taken it someplace else..but at least this way i know who’s doing the operation and i can visit him and stuff =]

  2. have you tried your local humane society. ours does any animal (not just one’s adopted from there) for a really reasonable price of $50 for our kitties, and $65 for our large doggie. And they’re state regulated, so they get checked up on often and are very very very clean. Although our vets are great, we’ve taken all of our animals to get fixed at the humane society, and have been really happy.

    anyways, you should check your local shelter out.

    • well the actual operation is almost entirely free because of our puppy package discount and a big population control discount… but i had them run pre-op tests which cost money and they also added post op meds to the estimate. im just hoping that it will end up being more like half of the estimate…

  3. Spay and Neuter Clinic…

    I don’t know about the rest of the cities in the country, but the Humane Society of Tampa Bay has a permenant Spay and Neuter clinic. It’s very cheap because the cost is funded by both the city and the Humane Society (Population control is a big problem here because it’s so warm). You might want to check and see if there’s one up there.

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