stephanie is: eating cake…
i cooked deener for us as soon as i got home today (mushroom wild rice, corn, and cresant rolls). then we dropped off the dvds, did our grocery shopping, and stopped by the book store. i got the second paperback harry potter book since i have only a few pages left in the first one that i bought during our layover in chicago on monday night. need entertainment whist i commute. they need to hurry up and put the third book in paperback. cause i can’t afford $20 for a hardback, nope. oh and the movie needs to magically play on my teevee since danny doesn’t want to see it and movies in the theater are $$.
um so when we got home, dia was howling out the the french door… she had broken her crate (something that was discovered over vacation – i guess we need more reinforcment when we fix it this time) and opened the bedroom door (something i swore to danny she could do but he didn’t believe me. we have lever door handles that you just push down on.) so she was all sorts of worked up.
we put the groceries away and danny got out the squeeze cheeze we got on sale for the pups. he went to squeese some onto beanie’s nose (which i always scold him for cause it gets the pups dirty) and cheese goes shooting all over her! she shook like mad then there was cheese all over her and the kitchen floor. the doogs took care of the floor, but i had to bath them to get the gluey squeeze cheeze off their fur. hehe. so all us girls are now showered and cheese-free.
i am eating a piece of cake i got for $1.40 at the grocery store… devil’s food with chocolate frosting. mm.
please ignore any strange pics that may show up in the archives while I was sitting at your computer… I think I may have been picking my nose in one
hrm… perhaps I shouldn’t have said anything
are there any green gooey things crawling around?
the 3rd book
It is out in paper back. at least in Canada… but I’m pretty sure its out in the states too 🙂
Re: the 3rd book
oo good! maybe i’ll use my amazon referer gift certificate on it…
Re: the 3rd book
Both the third /and fourth/ Harry Potter books are out in paperback in the UK.
Either go to or contact me and I’ll post them over to you.
I need the movie to magically play on my teevee too! My girlfriend Janet had been talking about the movie for months before it came out and got me all excited about seeing it, but then she went to see it last week with her sister. She might want to see it again, but I always feel guilty asking her to go see a movie she’s already seen.
Nice turban!