stephanie is: cold…
ack it is cold. i am sitting here doing work. my wet hair is prolly not helping my coldness. the braids are slow to dry. my puppy is taking up most of my chair, but at least she is keeping my butt warm. it looks like i have a meeting in dc with my contract this week regarding working on site. hopefully if that works out it would mean more regular money. comuting in the winter would be a bitch though.
everyone come by chat tonight at 10pm est ish for a chat session! dooo eeeet!
that is what zee metro is for!
Is it just me or….
Is your site down?
When I go to STVlive I get
Just wondering! :o)
Re: Is it just me or….
hm.. no – it is up for me…
Re: Is it just me or….
Yep…it’s working now! That was weird! Your site URL would come up but it was re-direceted to
Oh well…It’s working great now!