stephanie is: groggy…
had a bad day right from the start. i was all in pain and drugged up on advil when i went to bed so i guess i set my alram to pm instead of am. so at 9am i wake up to orrible cramp and realize that i should have been at work already. but the pain was so unbearable i had to stay home anyway. i tried to work, but most of the day i had t stay laying down on our heated blanket. our house insurance ppl called and said the papers were ready for us to come sign, so i guess that was good that i was home to do. turns out my work decided to move us down the hall today. my friend rob packed my stuff up and on monday they will move my desk and i’ll unpack. so there will be a new view on the work cam. i requested to be in the one corner without windows so i wouldn’t get washed out. i plan to have it so i am facing out towards the room and the windows. you’ll just see the corner behind me. they said that corner has a big white bord already, so i get to color. woot!
danny and i started packing a bit tonight. i am starting to hurt less, but i can’t stand up for very long. we alphabtized all our records. lots and lots of records. lots. heavy records. hehe.
i need foods before i fall over.